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Friday, May 6, 2011

Lost Freedom

Yesterday I stayed up too late. Yeah, it wasn't such a good idea. The trap I get into is looking to suck some joy out of my day by staying up and doing things like watching movies or playing video games. I was watching a Chinese movie with the excuse that I was studying. But honestly, studying and watching a movie are not the same. They talk way too fast for me right now and the subtitles didn't exactly match up.

The whole day was basically spent 'studying Chinese'. I wanted to exercise more, but I started feeling sick and I'm scared that it was from a coffee overload. I started the year so well by quitting coffee, but then somehow I heard that coffee is actually good for you. Unfortunately, I think I have a problem with caffeine. Or rather, I think I'm in a position where it could become a problem, but it has never gone that far.

After spending the whole day inside I went out for a bike ride and realized what a wonderful day I was missing. I didn't have anything to do so I went to return something to the library. I saw my Japanese friend while I was there. We spent a few minutes trying to talk, but not having anything to talk about. He invited me to hot pot on Saturday. It was a somewhat sour feeling, because I remember he invited me once before when I was a we and perhaps a little more happy. Anyway, when the depression lurks a little closer I can then remember that good thought.

Finally, today happened. It was my first day at my new job. It's a little hard for me to believe I actually took this job, because I feel like I'm at the lowest part of the low-end. Did the guy who hired me realize that I'll quit at any second? It seems like everyone working there will only last a few months tops. I have to wonder though, when I work this full time job will I lose my energy to pursue my dreams? Well, I could have been lazy tonight and not written about my day, but look. Here I am! Writing! I have the feeling that maybe my writing isn't as good as it was before, but my previous writing was a caffeine-induced mess I'm sure. To write before I go to bed is a long-lost tradition for me. My brain is too tired to think of anything cleaver, but perhaps I'm being more honest when I do it like this.

After work I went to see my mom. She was angry with me a little. I didn't see what the point of spoiling our time together would accomplish. All in all it was a nice time. There was free quality pizza and some rhubarb pie. Seeing my brother and his girlfriend together was a little bit disturbing. I went and talked to my old kungfu teacher. I think there will be more of that later. Now I'm at home and distracted by a friend that's over. They are drunk and talking. I would be wise to not be trapped into their conversation. Oh man, I just turned around and said something to them after I typed that. Well, I did some writing. I guess that's all I was going for. And although I've been somewhat distracted, especially here towards the end, I'm only three minutes away from the allotted time for this. YEA!


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